Should Knife Party Abandon Ship?

Knife Party’s highly anticipated first full album is out next month, but we’ve already been given 2 official releases by Rob Swire himself, Resistance, the first official single and now today Begin Again. But we were treated to a full version of Boss Mode, released on Zippyshare, by an unknown source. This presumably came from a source that already has the full album. However, I am very unsurprised because many a time have I seen full EPs being posted on Youtube/Soundcloud days or even weeks before the release date. Rob Swire, in his wisdom, stated that this release was in fact fake before he had actually heard the full track. He quickly confirmed that it was in fact the real deal.

So what does this tell us?

The music business is very flawed, not that we didn’t know this already. People who work for companies that are trusted by the artist to keep their work until the release date are now being completely let down by posting tracks on file sharing websites for anyone and everyone to download. So what can we learn from this occurrence? Basically you cannot trust the people who you are relying on to prevent these things to happen.

On a different note, the track is good in my opinion, at least the drops are slightly different rather than the generic repeating drop to make a track longer.   It’s something a little different that we haven’t exactly heard from Knife Party.  I think their content could in fact become a big album.   Their release of Begin Again is also popular, personally I find it a little generic, but I understand why people like it.  It’s good to hear Rob Swire incorporating his vocals into the song, something that Pendulum fans surely must enjoy.  A promising beginning to a highly anticipated album.

Here it is if you would like to listen:

Please feel free to share your thoughts on Knife Party, their new album, the lack of trust producers can put in distributors or anything else!


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